Welcome to my music page! Here you'll find a collection of songs and performances that reflect my journey as a musician—from Roxbury Saints to solo work and beyond. Take a look and dive into the music.

Roxbury Saints' ‘Let’s Start a Fire’ is fueled by the band’s raw energy, blending rock and soul with a defiant edge. What begins as a nod to a lover’s newfound spark soon ignites into an unambiguous call for action.

2024's ‘The Bed We Made’ explores the legacy of injustice in the U.S. and how history shapes our present. Provocative lyrics and striking imagery invite reflection on the path that brought us here.

Filmed in Fall 2020, 'Showdown’ is my take on the 1974 Electric Light Orchestra song, reimagined as a warning about the growing divide in America—a conflict fueled, I believe, by the billionaire class.

My first band Final Warning live at Club Satyricon in Portland, Oregon, 1985.

Zipgun mimes "The End" at the Cable Access Studios in Seattle, 1992.

Nightcaps playing our original song "I Don't Like You" at the 1998 Care To Dance gala in Seattle.

Sugarsmacks, a band I formed with the amazing Astra, play live at Tractor Tavern in Seattle in 2005